In order to customize e-mail template for Woocommerce E-mail customizer it is necessay to make chages in email templates that places in \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-email-control\templates\emails\supreme\customer-invoice.php or similar templates in woocommerce-email-control plugin. And \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-order-status-manager\templates\emails\customer-order-status-email.php for woocommerce-order-status-manager plugin.
Category Archives: Settings up and configuration issues and tips
Because of adding two new plugins WooCommerce Wholesale Prices and WooCommerce Wholesale Prices PremiumWholesale Buyer role is changed to Wholesale Customer and wholesale_buyer key is changed to wholesale_customer So changes were made in file hm-product-sales-report.php Path to file : \plugins\hm-product-sales-report-pro\hm-product-sales-report.php SQL text was changed in last condition %wholesale_buyer% to %wholesale_customer% line:533 $sQL = “SELECT posts.ID […]
When trying to config Flatsome 3 theme option , visual part is showing security issue message and html page not loading into visual builder. To fix this issue : You need to add the following line to .htaccess file in order to bypass security restriction: Header set Content-Security-Policy: “frame-ancestors ‘self’”